Monday, 27 September 2010

I left my heart in Spain...

Que triste!!!

Thank you everyone for following me on my adventures abroad! It was great fun and I highly recommend visiting the Andalucia region of Spain (southern Spain). It was kind of fun to share stories on here so may be I'll post some stories in the future.

Update: Vy is still in Spain. His company extended his stay so the poor guy is having breakfast for one for a couple weeks. It was hard to say bye to him when I left. Now I am back in Oregon and we will be ex-roommates for a little bit so sorry guys, no more absurd comments from Vy on here.
Hopefully, Vy will send me some ham from Spain so I can have more ham! Mas jamon por favor!!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed following your blog while you were in beautiful Spain! Made me feel like I was there.

    Glad to have you back in Portland!

